2021-08-04 13:12 Intelligent Video Surveillance Cases

Facial Recognition instead of Room Keys and Cards: Hotels in Spain go High-Tech

The Hotel Management Association HOSBEC and Turisme Comunitat Valenciana are launching a pilot project of facial recognition in these establishments to take "another step" in their technological innovations. With a budget of 50,000 euros, technology companies were to submit proposals until July 15.

In this project, the starting point is to change the procedures that have been performed personally or manually so far. Hotels had to adapt by introducing technologies that meet the needs of "increasingly demanding" customers, the business organization emphasizes.

Thus, facial recognition is one of the technologies with which a hotel entrepreneur can get such advantages as simplifying the customer registration process, personalizing services, collecting data, reducing paper consumption, or reducing time.

This initiative joins the "big data" project called "BionTrend" as part of its commitment to technological innovation in this sector to increase competitiveness. Turisme CV cooperates with Generalitat within the framework of an annual agreement signed for advertising and innovation events.

HOSBEC will invite a third-party company specializing in biometric systems for facial recognition as part of the public offering. They plan to sign a professional services agreement for the pilot phase of the project. It will also serve as the "customer registration" system through facial recognition in hotel establishments.

The systems will be installed from August 1 to December 31, 2021, in hotels associated with the Community Employers ' Association. The budget of the pilot phase is 50,000 euros, although it may be increased in the future depending on the result.